Saturday, December 01, 2012

Baby sleep training: The basics

What is sleep training?

Sleep training is the process of helping a baby learn to get to sleep and stay asleep through the night.

Some babies seem to develop a regular sleep routine quickly and easily. But many others have trouble settling down to sleep — or getting back to sleep when they've been wakened — and they need help and guidance along the way.

When can I start and what are the stages of sleep training?

The first three months
Don't try to impose a sleep schedule or training program on a newborn. Your new baby will need to feed every few hours, around the clock, so it's normal and healthy for him to sleep for just a few hours at a time. Respond promptly to his cries, feed and comfort him, and try to sleep when he does to minimize your own sleep deprivation.

Beginning at about 6 weeks, you can reinforce your child's biological rhythms by establishing a regular bedtime routine. At about the same time every night, for instance, give him a warm bath, read him a book, and then feed him before putting him to bed. (For more ideas, see our article on bedtime routines.) Try to get your baby up at around the same time every morning and put him down for naps at the same point in the day.

At this stage, consider your routine and your baby's sleep schedule as a work in progress: During the first three months of life, your baby will gradually sleep more at night and less during the day. You'll need to keep adjusting the schedule as your baby matures and develops.

4 to 6 months and beyond
Typically, by age 3 months or so, babies have started to develop more of a regular sleep/wake pattern and have dropped most of their night feedings. And somewhere between 4 and 6 months, experts say, most babies are ready for sleep training and are capable of sleeping through the night for a stretch of 8 to 12 hours. 

Of course, every baby is different: Some may be ready earlier, others later. And some will sleep seven hours or longer at an early age while others won't do so until they're much older.

Before starting sleep training, make sure your baby doesn't have any medical conditions that affect his sleep. Then be flexible about how you apply your chosen program and carefully observe how your baby reacts. If he's very resistant or you see a change for the worse in his overall mood and behavior, stop and wait a few weeks before trying again.

If you're not sure whether your baby's ready for sleep training, ask your doctor.

Mana yang baik dan Mana yang buruk

Pertemanan bisa saja berubah jadi musuh, musuh bisa saja menjadi teman. Hidup itu penuh dengan teka teki dan  hidup itu bagaikan roda yang berputar..

Bisa jadi hari ini kita memiliki teman baik, bisa jadi esok teman kita berubah jadi jahat. Manusia itu memiliki sifat yang suka berubah" dan manusiawi.. Bagaimana kita mengontrol sifat kita dengan memakai perasaan dan hati ketika bertindak dibarengi dengan logika kita yang berjalan. Lakukanlah setiap hal yang di anggap baik dengan tulus dan ikhlas.

Tidak mudah memang bergaul dengan banyak orang. Karena setiap orang memiliki sifat yang berbeda", kehidupanya berbeda, pergaulan sosial nya berbeda, keadaan ekonominya berbeda" dan isi hati seseorang berbeda.

Jalinlah pertemanan dengan niat baik dan tulus. Pintar"lah menempatkan diri kita dimana kita berada karena semua hal baik atau buruk kita sendiri bisa menentukan mana yang harus kita ikutin.. Tapi tidak semua yang baik dimata orang, itu baik untuk kita dan tidak semua yang buruk dimata orang itu buruk buat kita.

So don't judge the book by it's cover ;)..
Sama dengan kita berteman jangan meilhat luarnya yang terpenting hatinya tulus buat kita. Tapi hati siapa yang tau kan so positive think and keep try the best for your friends.